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Gardening Tips

Gardening Tips for April

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Gardening Tips for July

July is traditionally one of the hottest months of the year and the time to sit out and enjoy your

A graphic of a garden fork and trowel

The longer, lighter evenings in April provide time to get your garden ready for the summer       

If like us, you’re looking forward to relaxing and enjoying your garden this summer, the lighter evenings offer the ideal opportunity to spend a few hours preparing it now!

April is the perfect time to plant summer bulbs and plants, as the soil is beginning to warm up, what you plant now will fill your garden with a spectacular array of colour throughout the summer. There are many bulb choices; lilies and freesias add a lovely fragrance, alliums and agapanthus provide some structure, or gladioli and begonias for lovely blooms. Check out our bulb wall or look at our potted bulbs.

Here at The Arium, we are in full swing with production of our summer bedding plants, our special transplanting machine can plant up to 10,000 thousand plants an hour. We will have a huge selection of these and perennials by the end of the month, ready to brighten up your borders, containers and hanging baskets. Our team are here to offer inspiration and advice.

Jobs for the month

  • There is still time to fill any gaps in your borders with pot grown spring bulbs, creating beautiful flowers that will continue to bloom for years. It’s a good idea to add plant markers to remind you where your spring bulbs are when they have died back.
  • Continue to deadhead spring bulbs, nipping off the heads and seedpods to allow the energy to divert back into the bulb. Remember to remove faded blooms on pansies, primroses and other spring flowering plants to encourage new growth.
  • If you haven't done so already, cut back any dead foliage on perennials, such as Phlox, Rudbeckia and Hosta, to make way for the new season’s growth.
  • Prepare borders for summer, start to hoe, and weed regularly. It is helpful to dig in a layer of compost or well-rotted manure. You can also work in a general-purpose fertiliser, such as pelleted chicken manure, or fish, blood and bone, this will add nutrients to the soil and improve soil structure. Don’t forget to top up your containers too!
  • Prune lavenders, trimming back any frost damaged growth. Don’t cut into the old growth as it will not grow back.
  • Fill any larger gaps in your garden, look at the trees and shrubs that form the main structure and provide year-round colour and interest. Add an April showstopper that will flower for years. The classic spring-flowering Camellia with its spectacular flowers, or a breathtaking Magnolia which has varieties of all sizes - both can be grown in the border or a container.
  • Sow some vegetables outdoors. Once you have prepared your soil, now is the time to sow carrots, peas, beetroot, winter cabbages, broccoli, salad crops and more. Check out the huge range of seeds available in the Arium shop.

Give your lawn a bit of love

Mow the grass more regularly and lower the mower blades towards the end of the month; trimming lawn edges to straighten them up. If moss and weeds are a problem, apply a specialist lawn weed and repair any bare patches with lawn repair grass seed, or lay new turf if necessary.

Indoor gardening

Now is the perfect time to repot your house plants. Choose a pot one or two sizes larger than the original and remember to use a similar potting compost.

Herbs can be sown in a heated propagator, including basil, chives, parsley and coriander, keeping the soil just moist. Sow every few weeks to ensure a good supply to add flavour or garnish your summer salads. You can also start tomato plants, ready to plant outdoors in early summer.


Be aware of nesting birds when gardening, try not to frighten them as they may abandon the nest. Remember to keep birdfeeders topped up throughout spring, seed is especially good for fledglings. Rinse out water feeders and birdbaths regularly and provide fresh water. At The Arium we have a full range of bird feeders, foods and other wildlife items.

Sow some wildflowers, either in pots, containers or creating a mini meadow. These will encourage pollinating bees, butterflies and insects throughout the summer, making an attractive addition to your garden. We’ve a great range of seeds and seed bombs to fill any space.

If you’re new to gardening, or just need some advice, please chat to one of our nursery team who’ll be glad to help you. Happy Gardening!

Gardening Tips for April