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Trees for Leeds!

Trees offer fantastic ecosystem services to nature.


There is already a huge commitment to volunteering in our parks and green spaces. This represents over 24,000 volunteer hours each year.

We really appreciate any support and welcome new volunteers who want to get involved. For more information about the scheme and why woodland creation is so important to our health, wellbeing and wildlife, please check out our information pack.

If you would like to improve your tree identification skills, please use our attached resources to help ID some of the trees around the city - or learn some fun facts!​​​​​​​


If you are a corporate group looking to volunteer for tree planting events please contact

If you are a member of the public looking to volunteer for tree planting events, please subscirbe to our mailing list to be notified when new events become live. 

White Rose Forest

Leeds City Council is a member of the White Rose Forest - a vision to increase tree cover and improve access to green spaces across the Leeds City Region that will benefit people, wildlife and the local economy.

We’re working in partnership with businesses, organisations and communities to plant and protect trees on public and private land in Leeds.

By increasing the quality and quantity of wooded spaces in our city, the White Rose Forest will help support the wellbeing of residents, protect local wildlife, and tackle the climate emergency.

More information can be found on the White Rose Forest website, or by reading the Leeds White Rose Strategy

If you would like to donate to this project, then please visit the Love Leeds Parks webpage.


Information Pack

I Spy A ForestTree Identification Cards

SITE LIST 2020/2021

Site list 2021/22